PDF Basic Health and Safety Practices: Child Care Provider's Guide View
PDF Choosing Child Care Booklet View
The Choosing Child Care booklet provides information on child care alternatives available to families.
PDF Choosing Child Care Brochure View
The Choosing Child Care brochure provides families with information on what to look for in a quality child care provider. Various child care options are presented, as well as a step-by-step checklist that will help families with their child care decision.
PDF Cloth Face Coverings View
Children over age 2 should wear cloth face coverings when they can't stay 6 feet away from others outside their home.
PDF FFN Caregivers: Clarifying Expectations and Responsibilities View
Sometimes conflicts arise when parents and caregivers have different expectations of each other. The following topics may provide a starting place for discussions.
PDF Getting Ready for Kindergarten Book View
To assist with the Kindergarten transition process, the Center on the Family has produced Getting Ready for Kindergarten, a locally-written children’s book about beginning kindergarten. In this beautifully illustrated book, Mary Ann and Eric Nemoto tell the story of Leilani, who is cared for by her grandmother, and Tino, who is in preschool, as they prepare for kindergarten. Getting Ready for Kindergarten shows parents and teachers working together to provide Leilani and Tino with a positive start to kindergarten.
PDF Learning to Grow Developmental Guidelines and Early Learning Activities for Infants and Toddlers View
Learning to Grow Developmental Guidelines and Early Learning Activities for Infants and Toddlers book provides information on the growth and development of young children (birth to 48 months) and includes samples of simple-to-do activities that can be done with infants and toddlers to support their development. A "How This Helps" section for each activity describes the ways in which a child's development is influenced by engaging in the activity. To order this book, please use the Learning to Grow order form LTG activity books order form_Jan2016
PDF Learning to Grow Developomental Guidelines and Early Learning Activities for Preschoolers View
Learning to Grow Developmental Guidelines and Early Learning Activities for Young Preschoolers book identifies developmental guidelines for children (birth to 48 months) and provides examples of typical behaviors that illustrate the guidelines. It also includes a variety of activities that parents & care givers can do with children ages 36 to 48 months to promote early learning and skill development. To order this book, please use the Learning to Grow order form LTG activity books order form_Jan2016
PDF License-Exempt Providers: Health and Safety Cover Sheet View
For License-Exempt Providers: This cover sheet must be submitted with any copies of certificates and/or college transcripts for credit towards meeting the annual DHS on-going Health and Safety Training requirements.
PDF Raising a School-Ready Child View
Raising A School-Ready Child: A Family Guide provides useful tips to help parents, family service providers and educators prepare youngsters for school success. The publication discusses the essential role that parents play in helping children develop the characteristics, positive behaviors and skills that are needed for success at school, home, work, and in life. These traits are associated with the General Learner Outcomes (GLOs) that serve as the basis for evaluating student performance at all grade levels, and in all academic disciplines in Hawai‘i ’s public schools. Raising A School-Ready Child describes the home-to-school learning continuum, with examples of everyday activities that parents can use to support their children’s early learning, and to promote school readiness.
PDF Resources for Families COVID-19 View
The Hawaii Executive Office on Early Learning has curated a list of resources that families may find helpful during this extensive time at home with their children
PDF We All Make Mistakes Book View
We All Make Mistakes is a story of events that occur throughout a day in a classroom with students and their teacher. We All Make Mistakes shares a message to children that it is okay to make mistakes but taking responsibility for their mistake and resolving it are the important lessons to learn. To order this book, use the Learning to Grow order form LTG activity books order form_Jan2016