

Young children learn through play. When young children are actively involved in their own learning and having fun at it, they learn better. You can support their learning by engaging them playfully in everyday activities. The activities on our site are based on everyday experiences, use materials commonly found in the home, and most importantly designed to encourage children’s healthy development in all areas (physical, social emotional, language and literacy, and cognitive).

Hickory, Dickory, Dock PDF FACEBOOK SHARE ICON.

Nursery rhymes such as this one supports language development for young children.

What You Need:

  • None


What To Do:

  1. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs out. Hold your infant in your lap, facing you.

  2. Recite the following nursery rhyme, while using the following movements:

Hickory, Dickory, Dock (bounce child on outstretched legs)

The mouse ran up the clock (raise your knees so your child goes up)

The clock struck one (give a slight bounce)

The mouse ran down (lower your knees so your child goes down)

Hickory, Dickory, Dock (bounce child on outstretched legs)


Adapted from Active Baby, Healthy Brain