

Young children learn through play. When young children are actively involved in their own learning and having fun at it, they learn better. You can support their learning by engaging them playfully in everyday activities. The activities on our site are based on everyday experiences, use materials commonly found in the home, and most importantly designed to encourage children’s healthy development in all areas (physical, social emotional, language and literacy, and cognitive).


As you make this bread together, relate it to the story. For example, “The Little Red Hen must be very sad and mad. No one wants to help her bake the bread. That makes me sad, too. Let’s help her bake some bread!”

What You Need:

  • 2 1/2cups very warm water

  • 2Tbsp dry active yeast

  • 1/4cup sugar

  • 1Tbsp salt

  • 1Tbsp vegetable oil

  • 6cups all-purpose flour

  • 1Tbsp butter

What To Do:

  1. Dump water, yeast, and sugar into a large bowl. Stir until yeast is dissolved.

  2. Stir in salt, oil and flour until mixing becomes too difficult, then knead for 2 minutes on a floured surface.

  3. Spray a large bowl with non-stick cooking spray and place dough in the bowl. Cover with a dish towel and let it rise until it doubles in size.

  4. Dump dough out onto a floured surface. Cut in half and shape into 2 smooth, bread loaf like shapes.

  5. Place dough loaves on a greased cookie sheet and let rise again until doubled (about 25-30 minutes).

  6. Bake at 375 degrees for 20-30 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the bread sounds hollow when tapped.

  7. Remove bread from oven and rub butter on top.
